Chen Wang, Xu Wu, and Tomasz Kozlowski. “Surrogate-based Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of TRACE Physical Model Parameters using Steady-State PSBT Void Fraction Data”. In: Proceedings of NURETH-17, Xi’an, China. September 3-8, 2017.
Chen Wang, Xu Wu and Tomasz Kozlowski. “Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of TRACE Physical Model Parameters based on PSBT Benchmark using Gaussian Process Emulator”. In: Proceedings of NURETH-17, Xi’an, China. September 3-8, 2017.
Zou, L., Hu, G., Zhao, H. & Zhang, H. (2017). Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problem in Two-Phase Flow Using Newton-Krylov Method, In: Proceedings of NURETH-17, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, Sept. 3-8, 2017
Hu, G. & Kozlowski, T. (2017). Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of Physical Model Parameters in TRACE Using FEBA Experiment, In: Proceedings of NURETH-17, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, Sept. 3-8, 2017
Hu, G. & Kozlowski, T. (2017). On the Approximate Riemann Solver for the Two-Phase Two-Fluid Six Equation Model and Application to Real System, In: Proceedings of NURETH-17, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, Sept. 3-8, 2017
Hu, G. & Kozlowski, T. (2017). A High-Order Numerical Solver for the Two-Phase Two-Fluid Six-Equation Model with Realistic Equation of State, Transactions of American Nuclear Society, Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 20 – Nov. 2. (accepted)
Wu, X., Mui, T., Hu, G., Meidani, H. & Kozlowski, T. (2017). Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of TRACE Physical Model Parameters using Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation Surrogate Models, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 319, 185-200
Mui, T. & Kozlowski, T. (2017). Investigation of Wilks’ Method for Uncertainty Quantification of TRACE Model for BWR Spray Cooling. In: Proceedings of NURETH 2017, Xi’an, China, September 3 – 8, 2017
Xu Wu and Tomasz Kozlowski, “Kriging-Based Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of BISON Fission Gas Release Model,” In: Proceedings of ANS Summer 2017, San Francisco, CA, June 11-15, 2017
Mui, T. & Kozlowski, T. (2017). Confirmation Of Wilks’ Method With TRACE Modeling Of BWR Spray Cooling. In: Proceedings of M&C 2017, Jeju, South Korea, April 16-20, 2017
M.I. Radaideh, T. Kozlowski, Y. Farawila, T. Mui. Investigation if Reverse Flow Restriction Device to Mitigate Fuel Dryout during BWR Loss of Coolant Accidents, Proc. M&C 2017, April 16-20, Jeju, South Korea (2017).
Hu, G. & Wieselquist, W. (2016). Optimal Knot Reduction in Cubic Spline Interpolation of ORIGEN’s reactor libraries, In: Proceedings of PHYSOR-2016, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016
Hu, G. & Kozlowski, T. (2016). Uncertain Quantification with MCMC Method and BFBT Data, Transactions of American Nuclear Society, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 12 – 16, 2016
Hu, G. & Kozlowski, T. (2016). Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of TRACE Physical Model Parameters Using BFBT Benchmark Data, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 96, 197-203
M.I. Radaideh, T. Kozlowski, Y. Farawila. Analysis of Reverse Flow Restriction Device to Prevent Dryout Fuel Damage during BWR Instability, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 98, 1200 (2016).
M.I. Radaideh, T. Kozlowski, Y. Farawila. Analysis of Reverse Flow Restriction Device to Prevent Fuel Dryout Damage during Boiling Water Reactor Instability. Proc. PHYSOR 2016, May 1-5, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA (2016).
Mui, T. & Kozlowski, T. (2016). TRACE Validation of BWR SVEA Fuel Assembly Spray Cooling. Transactions of American Nuclear Society, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 12 – 16, 2016
Hu, G., Kozlowski, T. & Brooks, C. (2015). Uncertainty Quantification of TRACE subcooled Boiling Model Using BFBT Experiments, In: Proceedings of NURETH-16, Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, 2015
Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee, and Tomasz Kozlowski, “Comparative neutronics analysis of DIMPLE S06 criticality benchmark with contemporary reactor core analysis computer code systems,” submitted for publication, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (2015).
Rijan Shrestha and Tomasz Kozlowski, “Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of Input Model Parameters for Thermal-Hydraulics Simulations Using Expectation-Maximization Under Bayesian Framework,” submitted for publication, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2015).
Rabie Abu Saleem and Tomasz Kozlowski, “Development of High-Resolution Scheme for Hyperbolic Problems,” submitted for publication, Journal of Computational Engineering (2015).
M. Avramova, K. Ivanov, T. Kozlowski, et al., “Multi-physics and Multi-Scale Benchmarking and Uncertainty Quantification within OECD/NEA Framework,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, in-press (2015).
Omar Zerkak, Tomasz Kozlowski, Ivan Gajev, “Review of multi-physics temporal coupling methods for analysis of nuclear reactors,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, in-press (2015).
Deokjung Lee, Tomasz Kozlowski, Thomas J. Downar, “Multi-group SP3 approximation for simulation of a three-dimensional PWR rod ejection accident,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 77, pp. 94-100 (2015).
Xu Wu, Tomasz Kozlowski, “Coupling of system thermal-hydraulics and Monte-Carlo code: Convergence criteria and quantification of correlation between statistical uncertainty and coupled error,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 75, pp. 377-387 (2015).
Guojun Hu, Caleb Brooks and Tomasz Kozlowski, “Uncertainty Quantification of TRACE Subcooled Boiling Model using BFBT Experiments,” submitted for publication, 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 30-September 4, 2015.
Lukasz Sokolowski and Tomasz Kozlowski, “Recommendations on Two-Phase Critical Non-Flashing Flows Calculations in One-Dimensional System Code RELAP5,” submitted for publication, 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 30-September 4, 2015.
I. Pázsit, V. Dykin, H. Konno, and T. Kozlowski, “The Stability of Boiling Water Reactors as a Catastrophe Phenomenon,” Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, Nashville, Tennessee, April 19-23, 2015.
Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee, Tomasz Kozlowski, “Comparative Study of DIMPLE S06 Criticals with Direct and Two Step Modeling Approaches,” Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, March 29-April 1, 2015.
Tomasz Kozlowski, et al., “Analysis of the OECD/NRC Oskarshamn-2 BWR stability benchmark,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 67, pp. 4-12 (2014).
Ivan Gajev, Weimin Ma, Tomasz Kozlowski, “Sensitivity Analysis of Input Uncertain Parameters on BWR Stability Using TRACE/PARCS,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 67, pp. 49-58 (2014).
Joanna Peltonen, Weimin Ma, Tomasz Kozlowski, “Effective spatial mapping for coupled code analysis of thermal-hydraulics/neutron-kinetics of boiling water reactors,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 63, pp. 461–485 (2014).
X. Wu and T. Kozlowski, “Development of a New Convergence Criteria for Monte Carlo Simulation with Thermal-Hydraulics Feedback”, In: Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 – October 3, 2014.
X. Wu and T. Kozlowski, “Uncertainty Quantification for Coupled Monte Carlo and Thermal-Hydraulics Codes ”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Reno, NV, USA, June 15-19, 2014.
X. Wu, T. Kozlowski and B. J. Heuser, “Improved Accident Tolerance of LWR Fuel by Modifying Zircaloy Cladding of Fuel Pins”, In: Proceedings of ICAPP-2014, accepted for publication, Charlotte, USA, April 6-9, 2014.
X. Wu and T. Kozlowski, “Coupling of System Thermal-Hydraulics and Monte-Carlo Method for a Consistent Thermal-Hydraulics-Reactor Physics Feedback”, In: Proceedings of ICAPP-2014, accepted for publication, Charlotte, USA, April 6-9, 2014.
R. Abu Saleem, T. Kozlowski, “Development of Accurate and Stable Two-Phase Two-Fluid Model Solver”, accepted for publication, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’14), Charlotte, USA (2014).
Ivan Gajev, Weimin Ma, and T. Kozlowski, “Uncertainty analysis of the OECD/NRC Oskarshamn-2 BWR stability benchmark”, In: Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 28-October 3, 2014.
B. J. Heuser, T. Kozlowski and X. Wu, “Engineered Zircaloy Cladding Modifications for Improved Accident Tolerance of LWR Fuel: A Summary ”, In: Proceedings of 2013 LWR Fuel Performance Meeting – TopFuel, Charlotte, NC, September 15-19, 2013.
R. Shrestha, T. Kozlowski, “Verification of Axial Cladding Temperature Distribution Using RELAP5 and TRACE for FEBA/SEFLEX Experiments”, The 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, NURETH-15, Pisa, Italy (2013).
Wu Hongli, Wang Xiangqi, Hu Guojun, Tang Jingyu, Shang Lei, “Proton Scattering Effect and Thermohydraulics Study of Proton Beam Window for C-ADS “, High Power Laser and Particle Beams, Vol. 25, Issue 10 (2013).
R. Abu Saleem, R. Uddin, “Effective Thermal Conductivity of Binary Mixed Materials With and Without Heat Generation—An Empirical Approach”, accepted for publication, ICAPP’12, Chicago, USA (2012).
R. Shrestha, R. Uddin, “Study of Space-Time Evolution of Flux in a Long-Life Traveling Wave Reactor”, accepted for publication, ANS Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA (2012).
S. Racca, T. Kozlowski, “TRACE Code Validation for BWR Spray Cooling Injection and CCFL Condition Based on GÖTA Facility Experiments”, Safety and Technology of Nuclear Installations (2011).
I. Gajev and T. Kozlowski, “Sensitivity and Uncertainty of OECD Benchmark Ringhals- 1 TRACE/PARCS Stability Prediction”, Nuclear Science and Engineering (2011).F. Veronese,
T. Kozlowski, “TRACE Code Validation for DVI Line Break LOCA in the ATLAS Facility”, accepted for publication, NURETH-14, Toronto, Canada (2011).
S. Racca, T. Kozlowski, “TRACE Code Validation for BWR Spray Cooling Injection Based on GÖTA Facility Experiments”, accepted for publication, NURETH-14, Toronto, Canada (2011).
T. Kozlowski, et.al. “TRACE/PARCS Validation for BWR Stability with OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 Benchmark”, accepted for publication, NURETH-14, Toronto, Canada (2011).
L. Sokolowski, T. Kozlowski, “TRACE Code Validation against FIX-II LOCA Blowdown and Pump Trip Heat Experiment No. 3025 (ISP-15)”, accepted for publication, NURETH-14, Toronto, Canada (2011).
O. Zerkak, I. Gajev, A. Manera, and T. Kozlowski, ”Revisiting Temporal Accuracy in Neutronics/TH Code Coupling”, accepted for publication, NURETH-14, Toronto, Canada (2011).
I. Gajev and T. Kozlowski, “Ranking of Input Parameters Importance for BWR Stability Based on Ringhals-1”, M&C-2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2011).
L. Sokolowski and T. Kozlowski, “TRACE Code Validation against FIX-II LOCA Blowdown and Pump Trip Heat Experiment No. 3025 (ISP-15)”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Hollywood, Florida, U.S.A. (2011).
T. Kozlowski, Y. Xu, T. J. Downar, D.J. Lee, “Spatial Homogenization Method for Pinby- Pin Neutron Transport Calculations”, Nuclear Science and Engineering (2010).
T. Kozlowski, J. Peltonen, “Qualification of Spatial Coupling for Time-Domain BWR Stability Event Prediction”, Nuclear Technology (2010).
J. Peltonen, T. Kozlowski, “Effective Algorithm for Coupled Thermal Hydraulics – Neutron-Kinetics Analysis of Reactivity Transients”, Nuclear Technology (2010).
M. Jaromin, T. Kozlowski, H. Anglart, “Sensitivity Analysis of CFD Two-Phase Flow in a BWR Fuel Bundle”, NUTHOS-8, Shanghai, China (2010).
I. Gajev, T. Kozlowski, “Sensitivity and Uncertainty of the Neutronic Parameters of BWR Ringhals-1 TRACE/PARCS Stability Prediction”, PHYSOR-2010, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. (2010).
L. Sokolowski and T. Kozlowski, “Assessment of Two-Phase Critical Models Performance in RELAP5 and TRACE against Marviken Critical Flow Test”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., San Diego, U.S.A. (2010).
I. Gajev, T. Kozlowski, “Sensitivity and Uncertainty of the Thermal-Hydraulic Parameters of BWR Ringhals-1 TRACE/PARCS Stability Prediction”, NURETH-13, Kanazawa, Japan (2009).
F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski, P. Kudinov, “A Closure-On-Demand Approach to the Coupling of CFD and System Thermal-Hydraulic Codes”, NUTHOS-7, Seoul, Korea (2008).
J. Peltonen, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “Spatial Coupling for Design Basis Accidents”, PHYSOR-2008, Interlaken, Switzerland (2008).
A. Kubarev, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “Design of BWR Instability Suppression System”, PHYSOR-2008, Interlaken, Switzerland (2008).
F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski, P. Kudinov, “Study of Algorithmic Requirements for a System-to-CFD Coupling Strategy”, Experiments and CFD Code Applications to Nuclear Reactor Safety (XCFD4NRS), OECD/NEA Workshop, Grenoble, France (2008).
V.A. Phung, T. Kozlowski, P. Kudinov, M. Rohde, “Simulation of Two-Phase Flow Instability in CIRCUS Facility Using RELAP5”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. (2008).
T. Kozlowski, J. Peltonen, T.N. Dinh, “Spatial Coupling for BWR Stability Analysis”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Anaheim, California, U.S.A. (2008).
T. Kozlowski, S. S. Roshan, T.N. Dinh, “Evaluation of Coupled Codes RELAP5/PARCS Capability for BWR Stability Prediction”, NURETH-12, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2007).
J. Suchoszek, F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “Comparison of RELAP5 and TRACE Critical Power Prediction in a BWR Fuel Bundle under Steady-State and Transient Conditions”, NURETH-12, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2007).
F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “Relating System-to-CFD Coupled Code Analyses to Theoretical Framework of a Multiscale Method”, ICAPP-2007, Nice, France (2007).
S. S. Roshan, W. Ma, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “A Study of Reactor System During a Loss of Offsite Electric Power in Forsmark-1 Plant”, ICAPP-2007, Nice, France (2007).
V. H. Sánchez, W. Jäger, T. Kozlowski, “Qualification of the 3D Thermal-Hydraulics Model of the Code System TRACE Based on Plant Data”, ICAPP-2007, Nice, France (2007).
S. S. Roshan, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “Conservative Assumptions Based on Real Events for Safety Analysis and Assessment”, IAEA Topical Meeting on Advanced Safety Assessment Methods for Nuclear Reactors, Daejeon, Korea (2007).
T. Kozlowski, S. S. Roshan, J. Suchoszek, T.N. Dinh, “Time Domain Simulation of BWR Stability Events with Coupled Codes RELAP5/PARCS”, Workshop on Advanced BWR Stability Analysis, Valencia, Spain (2007).
T. Kozlowski, A. Kubarev, S. S. Roshan, T.N. Dinh, “Development of RELAP5/PARCS Coupled Code Models for the Safety Analysis of BWR Plants”, XIII Meeting on Reactor Physics Calculations in the Nordic Countries, Västerås, Sweden (2007).
Y. Xu, T. J. Downar, A. Ward, T. Kozlowski, K. Ivanov, “Multi-Physics Coupled Code Reactor Analysis with the U.S. NRC Code System TRACE/PARCS”, PHYSOR-2006, Vancouver BC, Canada (2006).
F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski, T.N. Dinh, “RELAP5 Performance in Predicting Critical Power in a BWR Fuel Bundle”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. (2006).
T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, “Analysis of Results for the OECD/NEA and U.S. NRC PWR MOX/UO2 Core Transient Benchmark”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., San Diego, California, U.S.A. (2005).
C. A. Cotton, D. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, W. S. Yang, D. E. Carlson, “Physics Analysis of Coolant Voiding in the ACR-700 Lattice”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., San Diego, California, U.S.A. (2005).
T. Kozlowski, et. al. “Consistent Comparison of the Codes RELAP5/PARCS and TRACM/PARCS for the OECD MSLB Coupled Code Benchmark”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 146, No. 1, pp. 15-28 (2004).
T. Kozlowski, D. Lee, T. J. Downar, “The Use of an Artificial Neural Network for On-Line Prediction of Pin-Cell Discontinuity Factors in PARCS”, PHYSOR-2004, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (2004).
T. J. Downar, T. Kozlowski, “Computer Science and Engineering Program at Purdue University”, ICCS 2004, Krakow, Poland (2004).
D. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, C. Lee, H. C. Lee, “Application of SP3 Approximation to MOX Transient Analysis in PARCS”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., Washington D.C., U.S.A. (2004).
T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, R. Lee, “OECD PWR MOX Core Transient Benchmark”, GLOBAL 2003, New Orleans, Georgia, U.S.A. (2003).
D. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, Y. Kim, “Application of Artificial Neural Network to Online Prediction of Pin-Cell Discontinuity Factors”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., New Orleans, Georgia, U.S.A. (2003).
T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, “Optimal Krylov Preconditioning for Solution of the Multigroup, SP3 Neutron Transport Equations”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., New Orleans, Georgia, U.S.A. (2003).
T. Kozlowski, C. H. Lee, T. J. Downar, “Application of SPH Factors for VENUS-2 MOX Core Analysis with Pin Homogeneous Cross Sections”, PHYSOR-2002, Seoul, Korea (2002).
C. H. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, “Analysis of Rod Ejection Accident with Time-Dependent Multigroup Pin-by-Pin SP3 Method”, PHYSOR-2002, Seoul, Korea (2002).
T. J. Downar, T. Kozlowski, et. al. “PARCS: Purdue Advanced Reactor Core Simulator”, PHYSOR-2002, Seoul, Korea (2002).
C. H. Lee, T. Kozlowski, T. J. Downar, E. E. Lewis, “Adaptive Methods for Nodal and Pin-by-Pin, Multigroup Transport Neutronics Calculations”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., Hollywood, Florida, U.S.A. (2002).
T. Kozlowski, C. H. Lee, T. J. Downar, “Pin-by-Pin Transient Transport Calculations for LWR Core Analysis”, ICTT-17, London, U.K. (2001).
T. Kozlowski, R. M. Miller, T. J. Downar, “Analysis of the OECD MSLB Benchmark Exercise III Using Coupled Codes RELAP5/PARCS and TRAC-M/PARCS”, Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. (2001).
T. Kozlowski, R. M. Miller, T. J. Downar, D. D. Ebert “Analysis of the OECD MSLB Benchmark with the Coupled Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulics Code RELAP5/PARCS”, PHYSOR-2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2000).
Contact : txk (at) illinois.edu